Category Archives: Liberty

Dr. Roderick Long on Radicals for Peace, Prosperity and Freedom 03/26/11 RFM

** Radicals for Peace, Prosperity and Freedom: Answering 10 Objections to Libertarian Anarchism with Dr. Roderick Long ** Dr. Long is a Professor of Philosophy at Auburn University, Editor of the Libertarian Nation Foundation periodical Formulations and an Adjunct Scholar … Continue reading

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Dr. James L. Payne on The Six Illusions of Government 01/08/11 RFM

** The Six Illusions of Government ** with Dr. James L. Payne. Dr. Payne is a retired professor of Political Science who has taught at Yale, John Hopkins, and Texas A&M University. He is the author of the excellent book, … Continue reading

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Dr. Ron Paul on “It’s Time To Be Honest” 12/04/10 RFM

** Dr. Ron Paul “It’s Time To Be Honest.” ** [Due to technical difficulties the sound quality of this broadcast is below our normal standard. However, we felt that the quality of the content was so valuable and important that … Continue reading

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Dr. Gary Galles on The Inclination to Love Liberty 11/27/10 RFM

** FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY ** – The Inclination to Love Liberty, a book review and interview with Dr. Gary Galles of Pepperdine University.  We discussed the excellent book "Inclined To Liberty" by Mr. Louis Carabini. There are those who are … Continue reading

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Dr Yuri Maltsev on Now that the Elections are over – What’s Next? 11/13/10 RFM

** SPECIAL LIVE Interview** Now that the Elections are over – What’s Next? with Dr Yuri Maltsev ** Dr. Yuri Maltsev, a world renowned economist and historian, fled the Soviet Union in 1989 and continues today to advise the US … Continue reading

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Mr Michael McKay on Standing Up For Freedom and Rallying Common Sense 11/06/10 RFM

** Standing Up For Freedom and Rallying Common Sense with Michael McKay ** On October 14, 2010 Michael McKay, Host and Founder of Radio Free Market, spoke to the Austrian Economic Club at the University of Iowa (now with 78 … Continue reading

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Mr Patrick Barron on Freedom and Money and how they are linked 08/23/10 RFM

** Special Interview ** Freedom and Money and how they are linked, with Mr Patrick Barron. Mr. Barron teaches Austrian Economics at the University of Iowa as well as the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin.  Pat … Continue reading

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Lew Rockwell on Government Intervention and Cures to Unemployment 06/12/10 RFM

** Lew Rockwell ** – An Exclusive Interview and Wide Ranging Conversation.  Lew is the Founder and Chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute ( and Editor of – two websites having among the highest Internet Traffic in the … Continue reading

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Congressman Ron Paul Exclusive Interview 05/15/10 RFM

Where is America Now and Where is America Headed? We discuss The Fed, Auditing Ft. Knox,  Loop Holes for Freedom, and will he run for President in 2012? Along with our Special Commentator, Joe Seehusen, the Deputy National Campaign Manager … Continue reading

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Mr Jacob Huebert on Are you Left, Right or Confused? 05/01/10 RFM

Are you Left, Right or Confused? An Introduction to Libertarianism. This Interview is with Mr. Jacob Huebert, the author of the soon to be released book, ‘Libertarianism Today’. We will discuss What Libertarianism IS and IS NOT and discuss whether … Continue reading

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