Dr Yuri Maltsev on Now that the Elections are over – What’s Next? 11/13/10 RFM

** SPECIAL LIVE Interview** Now that the Elections are over – What’s Next? with Dr Yuri Maltsev **

Dr. Yuri Maltsev, a world renowned economist and historian, fled the Soviet Union in 1989 and continues today to advise the US Government on foreign policy and economic matters. Yuri offers a unique background and point of view; as a long time Voice of Liberty his perceptions of what we can expect from the recent elections are especially timely.

In this show we discuss Dr Maltsev’s ‘One Day Plan’ to Establish Liberty’. Drawing on his experience from the Soviet Union we also discuss What Socialism is and Is Not and why we must Stop Socialism Now and Everywhere we can.

Most importantly we discuss Why we cannot compromise with Socialism; we review the Building Blocks of Freedom and Yuri reminds us that the Practical Steps of Privatization and Nullification allow for Freedom to Encroach on – and overturn – Socialism. This is one of our most important discussions on Freedom.

Hosted by Michael McKay.

Play mp3 here RFM_Yuri_Maltsev_Final_111310

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