Dr. Gary Galles on The Inclination to Love Liberty 11/27/10 RFM

** FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY ** – The Inclination to Love Liberty, a book review and interview with Dr. Gary Galles of Pepperdine University.  We discussed the excellent book "Inclined To Liberty" by Mr. Louis Carabini. There are those who are Inclined to Liberty and those who are Inclined to MasteryAs a ** Special Unique Offer ** Mr. Carabini will provide to any listener of this show a FREE COPY of this wonderful bookSimple email us at Liberty@RadioFreeMarket.com and include your name and address. Even the postage if FREE!!  Hosted by Michael McKay.

[audio http://radiofreemarket.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/rfm-gary-galles-final-112710.mp3]
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