Category Archives: Federal Reserve

Dr. Robert Murphy on The Great Depression and The Federal Reserve 06/18/11 RFM

** The Great Depression and The Federal Reserve with Dr. Robert Murphy **   Interview with Dr. Robert Murphy, author of "The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and The New Deal". Could it be that just about everything … Continue reading

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Dr. Thorsten Polleit on THE CURSE OF FIAT MONEY 04/30/11 RFM

** THE CURSE OF FIAT MONEY, AN EVIL SOURCE OF SUFFERING IN THE WORLD ** with Dr. Thorsten Polleit Dr. Polleit is an acclaimed Austrian Economist. He is an expert in International Banking and is an Honorary Professor at the … Continue reading

Posted in All Archived Shows, Federal Reserve, Money | 3 Comments

Mr. Jeffrey Tucker on Planned Poverty: The Gift of Government Intervention 04/09/11 RFM

** Planned Poverty: The Gift of Government Intervention ** with Mr. Jeffrey Tucker Mr. Tucker is the editorial vice president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and the current webmaster for the institute’s website, Mr. Tucker is also an … Continue reading

Posted in All Archived Shows, Austrian Economics, Federal Reserve, Welfare | Leave a comment

Dr Robert Murphy on The Ultimate Power Center: Goverment’s MONEY Counterfeiting Machine 07/31/10 RFM

**The Ultimate Power Center: Goverment’s MONEY Counterfeiting Machine ** with Dr. Robert Murphy. Dr. Murphy is an adjunct scholar of the Mises Institute and is the author of the blog Free Advice as well as two popular books, The Politically … Continue reading

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Dr Robert Murphy on The Great Depression and The Federal Reserve 09/12/09 RFM

*This is a Re-Broadcast our popular interview with Dr. Robert Murphy*. Dr Murphy is the author of "The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal".  His excellent book was reviewed by Host, Michael McKay and Special … Continue reading

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Edward Perry, G.P. Manish and Christopher Oppermann on Reality Economics 08/08/09 RFM

Interview with the three winners of the Young Scholars Competition held at Mises University 2009, Edward Perry, G.P. Manish and Christopher Oppermann. Host, Michael McKay and Special Commentator, Jeffrey Hedquist discussed with these gentlemen Why young people (and older people) … Continue reading

Posted in All Archived Shows, Austrian Economics, Federal Reserve | Leave a comment

Dr Robert Murphy on The Great Depression and The Federal Reserve 08/01/09 RFM

Interview with Dr. Robert Murphy, author of "The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal".  His excellent book was reviewed by Host, Michael McKay and Special Commentator, Jeffrey Hedquist. Topics covered were ‘Just about everything you … Continue reading

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Michael McKay on Reality Economics 07/25/09 RFM

Host Michael McKay and Special Commentator Jeffrey Hedquist discuss ‘Reality Economics’, the non-transparency of the Federal Reserve, Geithner’s plan for a Single-Super-Duper Financial Regulator and state-threatening questions, like ‘Why didn’t I learn about how money works in High School?’ Important … Continue reading

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