Dr Robert Murphy on The Ultimate Power Center: Goverment’s MONEY Counterfeiting Machine 07/31/10 RFM

**The Ultimate Power Center: Goverment’s MONEY Counterfeiting Machine ** with Dr. Robert Murphy. Dr. Murphy is an adjunct scholar of the Mises Institute and is the author of the blog Free Advice as well as two popular books, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism and The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal. With incredible insight, Dr. Murphy tears away the mask and myths that surround the most powerful, secretive, and politically favored government institution in the United States, the Federal Reserve. Is the Federal Reserve really no better than a government printing press? Learn how the Fed physically functions during this illuminating discussion. This is information EVERY American needs to know. Presented by Guest Host, Zoe Russell.

[audio http://radiofreemarket.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/rfm_bob_murphy_final_073110_.mp3]
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