Category Archives: News/ Lessons

My letter to the NY Times re: the real lesson from the 1987 stock market crash

Re: A Lesson From 1987,Unlearned by Wall St. Dear Sirs: Mr. Norris’ discussion of the role played by the then novice use of high speed computer trading in the 1987 stock market crash is merely a side show to the … Continue reading

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More Pundits Are Thinking About Gold

Re:  A Golden Solution for Europe’s Sovereign-Debt Crisis The author, Stephen Fidler, is off the mark, but the significance of his article is that he advises using gold as a solution.  The over-indebted countries do not need to find ways … Continue reading

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Physical Concepts of Money

As impressive as are the visual graphics below of the U.S. government’s deficit, they do not convey the individual American’s responsibility for this debt. For example, how much of the federal government’s ANNUAL deficit is each American citizen required to repay–with interest, of course–in … Continue reading

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Two Good Articles that Reflect the Original Purpose of the European Union

Here are two good article about the real work yet to be done by the EU.  These articles reflect the original purpose of the EU as a voluntary organization of sovereign states that would cooperate to reduce trade barriers in … Continue reading

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Interview about the unstoppable movement to gold money

In this interview Mr. Egon von Geyerz says something that is very insightful; i.e., that the demand for gold will increase DESPITE interventions to drive down its exchange value vis a vis fiat currencies. In fact, the more governments try … Continue reading

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Smiling in Bodrum

By Michael J. McKay “Why are you smiling?” My friend asked me this as our van accelerated away on our departure from Bodrum, Turkey. I was unable to answer him, frankly, because I had stopped noticing. I guess I had … Continue reading

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Letter to the NY Times re: the fallacy that income inequality is harmful

Re: Income Inequality May Take Toll on Growth Dear Sirs: The fallacy that equality of incomes and wealth are just and beneficial goals of society to be advanced by “an aggressive series of changes to tax and spending programs” cannot … Continue reading

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A Real Whopper: The European Union Wins the Nobel Peace Prize

by Godfrey Bloom, member of the European Parliament History’s greatest propagandist, what a singular honour, Josef Goebbels warned all politicians if you wanted to lie to be believed it had to be a whopper. The Nobel Prize committee have certainly … Continue reading

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The Battle Line Is Drawn in Europe

From today’s Open Europe news summary: German Finance Minister: “In one way or another, we’ll change the EU Treaties”; UK criticises for calling for swift euro crisis resolution while threatening to veto further integration DPA reports that German Finance Minister … Continue reading

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A Foe of Keynesian Stimulus Gains Respect in China

Zhang Weiying: China’s Anti-Keynesian Insurgent This is an excellent article from the Wall Street Journal’s Abheek Bhattacharya about the rise in China of an Austrian school economist.  China’s free market reforms were sidetracked by a resurgence of Keynesian stimulus.  But … Continue reading

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