Professor C. Bradley Thompson on What is Neo-Conservatism? 10/01/11 RFM

** What is Neo-Conservatism? Is it a Friend – or a Danger – to Freedom and Liberty? with Professor C. Bradley Thompson **

Professor C. Bradley Thompson is a Professor of Political Science at Clemson University. He is the Executive Director of the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism. He is the author of Neoconservatism: An Obituary for an Idea.

What is Neo-conservatism? This political philosophy is a buzzword that far too many people do not understand. According to Professor Thompson the evidence shows that the basis of Neo-conservatism may be very close to fascism. 

Neo-conservatives hate Individualism, love Aggression and are commited to “Exporting Americanism”  to others all around the World – by Military FORCE. Thier “Americanism” is focused on Empire Building and State Worship, is anti- AMERICAN. 

Even though Neo-conservatism is strong in America today, his research will hopefully be the weapon with which to stop it…forever. Thus, his book is called an “Obituary”.

How did this philosophy of Aggression get started? Who are it’s key philosophical god-fathers? You will lwarn about Leo Strauss who taught the rejection of moral principles and endorsed the poisonous philosophy that ‘Politicians Must Do Whatever Works’ and even going further to teach that morality itself lacks a “rational foundation”.

You will also learn that the founders of the Neo-conservative movement were originally Marxists, and see how that shapes their philosophy TO THIS VERY DAY! Today’s War on Terror is just an updated version of Leon Trotsky’s “Permanent Revolution”.

Why can’t the Neo-conservatives simply believe in free markets and free people? What do they really want our society to look like? What is their picture of the future and is it destroying America?

This important interview is a compelling look at a dangerous and poorly understood political movement that still lurks in – and influences – our society to this day. With Show Creator and Guest Host Drew Hjelm.

* Please Read this excellent book Review of “Neoconservatism: An Obiturary for an Idea” written by Dr. David Gordon (here)

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