Professor Patrick Barron An Open Conversation 05/14/11 RFM

**LIVE CALL-IN SHOW, An Open Conversation with Professor Patrick Barron**

Join us for this *interactive* show where YOU can call-in and discuss issues, ask questions and get answers – and perspective – regarding ‘What-The-Heck is Happening in the World.’

Professor Patrick Barron is a private consultant in the banking industry. He teaches in the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin and teaches Austrian Economics at the University of Iowa.

Amoung the many questions and discussion points that Professor Barron will address will be:

**Do illegal immigrants steal American jobs?

**Should the government prevent American companies from “shipping jobs overseas”?

**Should the government even try to increase the number of jobs?

**Didn’t child labor laws save many children from cruel sweatshop conditions?

**Would the elimination of public schools mean that children of the poor would not learn?

**Doesn’t the Food and Drug Administration protect Americans from harmful drugs?

**Should the government try to make the U.S.A. energy self-sufficient?

Please Call-In TOMORROW, Saturday May 14th, between 1PM and 2PM CDT at 1-800-313-9443 to this first “Open Conversation” with noted Austrian Economist Pat Barron, who will discuss these and other issues that are important to YOU.


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