Category Archives: World Report

Correcting Misconceptions about Sweden

by Joakim Fagerstrom, Mises Institute of Sweden In a recent article in the American Spectator Samuel Gregg writes about Sweden and America. His main point and conclusion is that even if Sweden is not perfect it is moving towards a … Continue reading

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A New Libertarian Book Reviewer Introduction by Roman Skaskiw ************************************* Many of my literary friends describe themselves as fervent leftists. Some even believe all great art is (and must inevitably be) produced by people who are similar to them politically. This absurd idea has … Continue reading

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Student veteran: Why are we still fighting War on Terror?

As a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan reflecting on my time in service, I’m not sure why the United States continues to fight the War on Terror. The horrible terrorist acts on 9/11 were not because of religion as many … Continue reading

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Economic Fragility, a podcast Interview of Michael McKay by Mr Steven Stanek of the Heartland Institute ( )

Michael McKay is the Founder and Host of and author of Secrets About Money that Put You at Risk. Mr. McKay has closely watched the Federal Reserve’s monetary machinations providing TRILLIONS of dollars to Wall Street Aristocracy and Foreign Banks … Continue reading

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Rick Perry Afraid of Rick Perry

Posted By Drew Hjelm Guest Host at Radio Free Market on his blog Ad Libertad. I had the chance to meet Governor Rick Perry at his campaign stop in Iowa City yesterday. It was at the famed Hamburg Inn #2, … Continue reading

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The Estonian Experience with Andy Duncan 08/3/11

Welcome to the first ever ‘Radio Free Market World Report’. In this new series, I will be speaking to various champions of liberty around the world about the development and prospect for liberty in their various countries, particularly from an … Continue reading

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Radio Free Market is proud to present and recommend the Excellent Mind and ACID PEN of Mr Andy Duncan

Radio Free Market is proud to present and recommend the Excellent Mind and ACID PEN of Mr Andy Duncan, self described British Rothbardian Heretic Providing Random Misesian Blipverts, Podcasts and Commentary whose blog is here. Here is a Podcast-interview conducted … Continue reading

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