Category Archives: News/ Lessons

My letter to the NY Times re: How France Can Restore Competitiveness

Re: French Socialists, Under Fire, Display a Lack of Fraternite Dear Sirs: There are only two ways to improve competitiveness.  One, work longer.  But France chooses not to adopt this option.  Two, extend the division of labor.  This one has … Continue reading

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Five Reasons Why Germany Should Repatriate Its Gold Holdings

I highly recommend that you read the essay belowby Jan Skoyles about why any country might desire to repatriate its gold holdings.  Germany is correct in taking possession of its gold.  This is nothing more sinister than exercising rational self-interest.  … Continue reading

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Why the Germans want their gold back

I suggest that you read this short essay by Matthew Lynn.  If nothing else read his reason number three, copied below, why the Gemans want their gold back (my emphasis in red): 3) Most importantly, German sentiment is hardening against … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Why Currency Devaluation is NOT the Answer for the Euro-Debt Crisis

Re: Euro Survives, But Future Is in Doubt, by Floyd Norris Dear Sirs: Mr. Norris makes many good points about the euro-debt crisis; however, like many other pundits he assumes that currency devaluation is a “normal prescription for countries in … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: No, it’s NOT a better way!

Re: Better Ways to Deal with China Dear Sirs: Eduardo Porter’s recommendations for “dealing with our trade deficit with China”–a multilateral approach using carrots and sticks–assumes that China’s manipulation of its currency causes harm to its trading partners.  It does … Continue reading

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A pox on both your houses…my comments reported in the Daily Iowan

Re: Obama Criticizes Romney Plan See my comments at the end of the Daily Iowan report.  Unfortunately, neither candidate is discussing reality, which is that they have no way to make the economy do their bidding other than by restricting … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Free Speech Under Attack Once Again

Re: Amid Barrage of Attack Ads, Considering Tighter Rules Dear Sirs: Free speech is constantly under attack by incumbents of all stripes.  After all it was John McCain, a Republican, and Russ Feingold, a Democrat, whose names are synonymous with … Continue reading

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Excellent video about the cause of the great recession–please watch

Watch this excellent video titled “Fraud: Why the Great Recession“. It is an hour and six minutes long, but it is worth every minute. It is important to watch it to the very end, even after the credits start to … Continue reading

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Westralian mining legend Ron Manners of Mannkal belongs in The Property and Freedom Society

by Benjamin Marks, Capitalism.HK and editor O fortunate age! O happy times! in which shall be made public my incomparable atchievements, worthy to be ingraved in brass, on marble sculptured, and in painting shewn, as great examples to futurity! … Continue reading

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What if the monetary system has been taken over by criminals?

In this interview Max Keiser’s guest, Dr. Michael Hudson, discusses Shiela Bair’s new book, which claims that our monetary system is under the control of a Wall Street “mafia”.  She ought to know, because Sheila Bair was head of the … Continue reading

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