Category Archives: News/ Lessons

My letter to the NY Times re: The Forgotten Principle of Federalism

Re: Consequences in a Fiscal Plan: Municipalities Fight Proposals to Tax Their Bond Interest Dear Sirs: There is another objection to taxing municipal bond interest that goes beyond one of class warfare (“the government forgoes about $32 billion a year … Continue reading

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The Real Role of a Central Bank–according to Silvio Berlusconi

From Open Europe news summary of December 19, 2012 (my highlight in red): Berlusconi: Italy will be forced to leave the euro unless ECB starts printing money In an interview on Italian public broadcaster Rai Uno yesterday, Silvio Berlusconi said, “Either … Continue reading

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How Sovereign Debt Default Will Be Kicked a Little Further Down the Road

From Open Europe news summary of December 19, 2012: Cyprus announced yesterday that it would not default on any payments as the pension funds for the public electricity and telecoms firms as well as the Ports Authority have agreed to provide … Continue reading

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When the Laws of Economics Are Ignored

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Dutch daily Trouw has seen leaked European Commission and Court of Auditors documents it believes shows that “the Czech Republic is committing large scale fraud with EU subsidies”, while “the European Court of Auditors … Continue reading

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My letter to the Wall Street Journal re: You must dig deeper

Re: How Big Deficits Became the Norm “But the size and trajectory of the federal budget can be boiled down to three  basics: the economy, spending and taxes. “ Dear Sirs: Sorry, but your quote above does not dig deep … Continue reading

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In the following podcast interview Mr. Mo Dawoud of “Wall Street for Main Street”, a Washington, DC think tank, asks Patrick Barron of Radio Free Market some common questions about our current economic policies coming out of Washington. For example … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Misleading Headline about Shared Debt in Europe

Re: New Report Opposes Shared Debt in Europe Dear Sirs: A careful reading of Herman von Rompuy’s Towards a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union does not support your headline that his report opposes shared debt in Europe. The report is … Continue reading

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Under Sound Money Everyone Understands Monetary Policy

Understanding today’s convoluted domestic and international fiat monetary system frankly requires a great deal of time and study.  One must understand fractional reserve banking, which requires that one understand the concept of fractional reserves and the way this system affects … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: The Fallacy of Gov’s Approach to Healthcare Cost Control

Re: Hospitals Face Pressure to Avert Readmissions Dear Sir: Because the individual has significant control over his own health, treatment for ill health is not suitable for insurance.  Insurance is suitable only for those classes of events that are beyond … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Youth Unemployment in France Can Be Cured

From: To: Subject: Youth Unemployment in France Can Be Cured Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2012 13:05:06 -0500 Re: Young, Educated and Jobless in France Dear Sirs: This excellent article implies that the current phenomenon of high levels of … Continue reading

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