Category Archives: News/ Lessons

My letter to the NY Times re: The Myth of European Solidarity

Re: Cypriots Feel Betrayed by European Union Dear Sirs: The frustration felt by ordinary Cypriots is illustrative of the myth that Europe is moving toward solidarity, prosperity, and greater social cohesion.  The Cypriot crisis revealed the reality that lies beneath … Continue reading

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My letter to the Financial Times re: Wrong logic by Wolfgang Munchau

Dear Sirs: In his Monday, April 1 column titled “The logic of economics will catch up with the euro” Wolfgang Munchau says that the eurozone banking system needs to share risks and keep debt, both public and private, within sustainable … Continue reading

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My letter to the Financial Times re: Roger Farmer is not much of a Keynesian heretic

Dear Sirs: Judging by the proposals in his April 1 column titled “Economic confessions from a Keynesian heretic”, UCLA’s Roger Farmer is in no danger of being burned at the stake by his fellow interventionists.  He wants a “further increase … Continue reading

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Cypriot Crisis Reveals Lack of the Rule of Law in Europe

From today’s Daily Reckoning: According to The New  York Times, Mr. Artemis “complained that authorities rode roughshod  over him and his board of directors by moving unilaterally to sell  off units of the bank in Greece and planning to hit … Continue reading

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My letter to the Wall Street Journal re: Get Government Out of Money and Banking

Re: Bailout Strains European Ties Dear Sirs: This disgusting farce of a week of backroom squabbling by incompetent and clueless politicians and irresponsible bureaucrats over the future of the Cypriot banks should spur a public outcry to get government completely … Continue reading

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My letter to the Wall Street Journal re: The Cypriot bailout solves nothing

Re: Cyprus Gets New Bailout Deal Dear Sirs: In addition to being anti-democratic (“The bank restructuring doesn’t need approval by the Cypriot Parliament. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said Monday that the legislation needed to complete the restructuring of the … Continue reading

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We´re on the verge of being mugged by our Governments

On behalf of the GoldMoney Foundation, Andy Duncan interviews Michael McKay, founder of Radio Free Market, on the eve of the Austrian Economics Research Conference 2013. Andy and Michael discuss Cyprus and what it may means to individual property rights, … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: What, Me Worry?

Re: A Bank Levy in Cyprus, and Why Not to Worry Dear Sirs: Is there any coercive and illegal act by a government anywhere that Andrew Ross Sorkin will not either endorse or rationalize away into the corn field?  Apparently … Continue reading

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The Rape of the Cypriots

By Andy Duncan Just where do we begin with the Cyprus story? Obviously, whenever a politician’s lips move they’re usually telling a deliberate lie, except when they tell the truth by accident. But now everyone in Europe, indeed in the … Continue reading

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The global government paper money plot

By Andy Duncan In one of my favorite TV series of recent times, Firefly, a future world is shown to be an amalgam of Anglo-Saxon and Chinese cultures, with the stars of the programme speaking alternately in English and Mandarin. … Continue reading

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