Category Archives: News/ Lessons

My letter to the NY Times re: Krugman’s economics of capital consumption

Re: The Mutilated Economy, by Paul Krugman Dear Sirs: Paul Krugman’s economics can be summarized as simply a childish desire to consume capital.  Once viewed in this light, one may understand how little Krugman really has to say about economics.  … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Krugman advises repeat of blunders of the 1920’s and ’30s’

Re:  Those Depressing Germans, by Paul Krugman Dear Sirs: Paul Krugman’s Keynesian view of the world has caused him to champion two of the most damaging economic policies of the 1920’s and ’30’s–monetary stimulus and national autarchy.  His incessant call … Continue reading

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Influential columnist perpetuates dangerous economic fallacy

Re: Southern Europe is on a precipice, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard The London Telegraph’s influential economics columnist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (AEP) perpetuates one of the greatest and most dangerous economic fallacies in the world today–that a country can improve its economic performance … Continue reading

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Oh, No! Falling Prices!

Re: Europe moves nearer Japan-style deflation trap, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard What a bunch of nonsense!  If Japan had not initiated its famous bubble in the first place, it would not have to fear deflation and it would not still be … Continue reading

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Permanent currency swaps will make matters worse

Re: Central Banks Make Swaps Permanent as Crisis Backstop Rather than backstop and mitigate a crisis, these currency swaps will cause the crisis to spread.  This is a typical socialist solution, perpetrated by today’s preeminent socialist institutions–central banks.  Permanent currency … Continue reading

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You must pay me to be good

From today’s Open Europe news summary: El País reports that Spain, France and Italy are wary of German plans to introduce binding ‘reform contracts’ between the European Commission and eurozone countries – and want these contracts to explicitly envisage some … Continue reading

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Why the Fed will NEVER end Quantitative Easing

Re: Fed likely to delay taper after disappointing US jobs data The Fed will NEVER end its Quantitative Easing program much less “taper” it slightly.  The Fed’s QE policy itself causes malinvestment in the structure of production, which leads to … Continue reading

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Germany’s Merkel wants the EU to control national budgets

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Spiegel: Merkel demands EU Treaty change to give Commission control over national budgets Der Spiegel reports that, in a meeting with EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy last week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel set … Continue reading

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Fed’s QE policy threatens the dollar’s future as a reserve currency

See my comments throughout this four and a half minute report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation about the dollar’s future as a reserve currency. Patrick Barron

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China and Gold

China and Gold, by Alasdair Macleod Rather than some conspiracy to destroy America via the dollar, one should see China’s actions as an act of rational self-interest.  China was very happy to accumulate over a trillion US dollar reserves, but … Continue reading

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