Category Archives: News/ Lessons

My letter to the Philadelphia Inquire re: Who benefits from labor laws?

Re: Where to Invade Next, directed by Michael Moore Dear Sirs: I look forward to watching Michael Moore’s recent film that purports to show how Europeans and Africans have passed laws, such as long maternity leaves that must be paid … Continue reading

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The Impact of Negative Interest Rates

Central banks the world over have lowered interest rates almost to zero– i.e., they have adopted a zero interest rate policy (ZIRP)– with the hope that cheap credit will revive moribund economies. Central banks have expanded their balance sheets by … Continue reading

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More Eurozone integration will bankrupt Germany

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Bundesbank and Bank of France Governors call for Eurozone finance ministry In a joint article for Sueddeutsche Zeitung Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann and Bank of France Governor Francois Villeroy de Galhau argue, “The current … Continue reading

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Since when is $3 billion in cash relief NOT considered a bailout?

My letter to the NY Times: Re: Senate Republicans Introduce Bill for Puerto Rico Relief Dear Sirs: Here’s another example of a government bill that will do exactly the opposite of its summary. Puerto Rico and bankrupt states, such as Illinois, … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: An abuse of language

Re: Rubio Quietly Undermines Affordable Care Act Dear Sirs: Your reporter Robert Pear characterizes Marco Rubio’s amendment to the Affordable Care Act, which reduces the government’s subsidy to participating insurance companies, as a case of “quiet legislative sabotage”. Sabotage? Really? Aside from the … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Safety net for regulators

Re: A Middle Ground Between Contract Worker and Employee Dear Sirs: Noam Scheiber’s report of how current labor laws cause unintended adverse consequences for new, digital companies should lead everyone to question the need for such regulations. Why not let … Continue reading

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Splendid Isolation: A sane foreign policy for America

A proper foreign policy for the US would be consistent with and recognize the limitations placed upon our country by the physical world in which we live. First of all it would recognize that all countries, including the US, have … Continue reading

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My letter to the Philly Inquirer re: Learn Economic Nonsense from the Fed

Re: Fed to help teachers learn finance Dear Sirs: Here is what the Fed will teach about money and finance: Lesson #1: Print money Lesson #2: Print more money Lesson #3: Print even more money Here is a quote from … Continue reading

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Another socialist EU proposal to reward irresponsibility

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Commission eyes jointly funded Eurozone deposit guarantee scheme The Financial Times reports that, according to leaked documents seen by the paper, the Commission is planning to create a Eurozone Deposit Guarantee Scheme, which would … Continue reading

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The logic of sovereignty and unilateral free trade

From today’s Open Europe news summary: FT: UK pushing for ‘emergency brake’ on EU laws to safeguard rights of non-Eurozone countries The Financial Times reports that the UK is seeking to obtain an ‘emergency brake’ on future EU proposals in … Continue reading

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