Category Archives: Blog Posts

Get ready to sing ‘ The Government Can ‘

Please take a minute to be entertained by Tim Hawkins in this hilarious video that will make you laugh (or cry!). MM [youtube]

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Monetary Freedom and Its Opposite

By Mark Thornton Birmingham Button Makers of the 19th Century meeting the Market’s Demand for Private Coinage Today we stand at a point in time that is the beginning of the end of an economic era when the US dollar … Continue reading

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Three Worthy News Items You Likely Missed: Oct 29, 2009

1. Saudi’s Drop West Texas Oil As Benchmark for Pricing. MM Comment: This is a step in the direction of dropping the US Dollar as their unit of Settlement.Read More Here 2. Turkey to use national currencies in trade with … Continue reading

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How to Win the Revolution Peaceably

All,Richard Maybury has in the following two Youtube videos given a formula on how to use Humor and Ridicule effectively to turn the rising tide of Socialism and Fascism in America. While he is not a great Stand Up Comedian … Continue reading

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American Healthcare Fascialism

Mises Daily by Thomas J. DiLorenzo | Posted on Friday, October 23, 2009 Some time ago I invented the phrase "fascialism" to describe the American system of political economy. Fascialism means an economy is part fascist, part socialist. Economic fascism … Continue reading

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New Government Policy Imposes Strict Standards on Garage Sales Nationwide

Introductory Comments by Michael J. McKay – What’s Next?!? Government Restricts what we can do and Mandates what we can do. It is time to yell “STOP” to Government Intervention and re-discover Common Sense. By Diane Mecedo, FOX News,  September … Continue reading

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Watching the Fed and its Friends Squirm

What is interesting is that the Fed has not yet filed an appeal to another court on Judge Preska’s Aug 24th Ruling that the Federal Reserve must disclose who it gave $2Trillion to last fall.  As you all know Bloomberg … Continue reading

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By Patrick Barron On Saturday, August 22, 2009, I went to Des Moines, Iowa to attend a public hearing of the Federal Reserve.  My friend, Patrick Barron, a 40 year Banking Consultant and former teacher of Austrian Economics at the University … Continue reading

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What Soviet Medicine Teaches Us

by Dr. Yuri Maltsev In 1918, the Soviet Union was the first country to provide universal “cradle-to-grave” healthcare coverage, to be accomplished through the complete socialization of medicine. The “right to health” became a “constitutional right” of Soviet citizens. The … Continue reading

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A Great Moment in Our History, by Andrew P. Napolitano

Introductory Comment From Michael McKay: Did Government give us our Rights? Or do we derive our Rights from simply being Human  – called our Natural Rights?  America was founded on Our Natural Right to be Free, which is why they … Continue reading

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