Category Archives: Blog Posts

Ron Paul on C-SPAN’s Newsmakers

December 19 2010 Congressman Ron Paul was recently named Chairman of the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy. Here on CSPAN’s Newsmakers he discusses his strategy and philosophy for the new appointment. In this 35 minute interview Dr Paul presents, with … Continue reading

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Preparing for Your Future and Navigating Through Current Financial Times ** And Free Book Offer **

By Michael J. McKay, Host of On December 2, 2010 I made a presentation to Students attending the Fairfield Iowa High School. Please follow this link to an mp3 recording of this presentation. Please feel free to download it … Continue reading

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The Thanksgiving Story

From Starvation to Prosperity and How we got there. From Mises Daily: Thursday, November 25, 2010 by Gary Galles Thanksgiving, Americans recall their blessings around bountiful meals, with imagery going back to the Pilgrims, especially Plymouth Colony’s 1623 Thanksgiving. But … Continue reading

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Hilarious video on the Fed’s insanity


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Next Money: Got Gold?

Dollar Bugs are attacking Gold saying it’s “Price” is too high and that it’s in a bubble. The goofiest part of this public conversation about Gold being in a bubble never discusses the key point. Compared to what? Answer: Why … Continue reading

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Silver Market Manipulation

Evidence has been presented that the Silver Markets are being manipulated to Suppress Silver Prices –  NOT to raise the prices, as was accused in the case of the Hunt Brothers in 1979-80. Who would benefit from Gold and Silver … Continue reading

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Paul Krugman/ Robert Murphy Debate

Austrian Economist Robert P. Murphy has challenged Keynesian Economist Paul Krugman to a public debate on the relative merits of the two schools of thought on economics. The event could raise tens of thousands of dollars for charity, making it … Continue reading

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New Year’s Eve in Rome with Dr. Yuri Maltsev

You have a rare and fabulous opportunity to travel and spend time with Dr. Yuri Maltsev. Read more about Yuri here and please read below about the upcoming travel opportunity: Celebrate New Year with Libertarians in Rome! Dear Friends of … Continue reading

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New Test ‘Are you a Libertarian or Are you a Statist’

The following was inspired by an anonymous author whose viral email focused on the terms ‘Conservative’ and ‘Liberal’ which, in my observation, confused the ‘Test’ as both those who call themselves ‘Conservative’ and ‘Liberal’ would use the FORCE of Government … Continue reading

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“We Love Fiat Money.” Cheerleaders for Hitler’s Economics

From Michael McKay: I have been waiting for years for the essay below.  Dr Gary North systematically devastates all the arguments of those who promote the idea that:  a. We should abolish the Federal Reserve – and then – b. … Continue reading

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