Category Archives: Blog Posts

MUST WATCH. DeGaulle Warns of Dollar Crisis in 1965.

In February 1965, former French President, General De Gaulle, predicted the monetary crisis the USA has brought to the world today. He then, asked for a return to an International Gold Standard. 1:52 video [youtube]

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Don’t Swallow the Fed’s $16 Trillion Dollar Suicide Pill

Don’t Swallow the Fed’s $16 Trillion Dollar Suicide Pill By Michael McKay, Host WWW. RadioFree Market. In case you missed it, on July 21st 2011 th U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a 266 page partial audit of the Federal … Continue reading

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Radio Free Market is proud to present and recommend the Excellent Mind and ACID PEN of Mr Andy Duncan

Radio Free Market is proud to present and recommend the Excellent Mind and ACID PEN of Mr Andy Duncan, self described British Rothbardian Heretic Providing Random Misesian Blipverts, Podcasts and Commentary whose blog is here. Here is a Podcast-interview conducted … Continue reading

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** Reality Economics and Peaceful Cooperation. Is There a Peace, Prosperity and Freedom Formula? **

This is a lecture on Reality Economics, Peaceful Cooperation and the Peace, Prosperity and Freedom Formula, delivered by Michael J. McKay, Radio Free Market founder and host, to the Introduction to Austrian Economics class at the University of Iowa. ************ … Continue reading

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Grocery School

by Don Boudreaux on April 24, 2011 in Complexity and Emergence,Cooperation,Education Suppose that we were supplied with groceries in same way that we are supplied with K-12 education. Residents of each county would pay taxes on their properties.  A huge … Continue reading

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Unbreakable Union: Lessons from the Demise of the Soviet Union

By Dr. Yuri Maltsev Carthage College Paper delivered to the Austrian Scholars Conference March 12, 2011, Ludwig von Mises Institute Auburn, Alabama. “If we wish to save the world from barbarism we have to refute socialism, but we cannot thrust … Continue reading

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The Muddled Economics of Ellen Brown and the Greenbackers

  This important essay was written by Radio Free Market Special Commentator and Guest Host, Mr Aaron Brown. I highly recommend you share it with everyone you care about. MM   The Muddled Economics of Ellen Brown and the Greenbackers … Continue reading

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A True Christmas Story from 1914 and WWI

It was December 25, 1914, only 5 months into World War I. German, British, and French soldiers, already sick and tired of the senseless killing, disobeyed their superiors and fraternized with "the enemy" along two-thirds of the Western Front (a … Continue reading

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America’s Longest War Gets Worse

by Eric Margolis December 21, 2010 After nine years of war in Afghanistan, costing over $100 billion in taxpayer money and 700 American lives, the full truth about this murky conflict remains elusive. The government and media have colluded to … Continue reading

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Public Employee Unions Bankrupting States


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