***How the Soviet Union Collapsed*** An exclusive interview with Dr. Yuri Maltsev 03/04/12 RFM

Yuri is a world renowned economist, historian and the author of Requiem for Marx, who escaped and defected from the Soviet Union in 1989. Before his defection to the USA he was a member of then-President Gorbachev’s perestroika reform team.

For the past twenty years, Yuri has been an outspoken Defender of Liberty tirelessly spreading the message of Freedom while traveling to over 77 countries.

Yuri explains how the twin concepts of Nullification and Secession were the final straw that broke the Soviet 70-year reign of oppression and terror and led to the Freedom that is surging in Eastern Europe.

His stories will inspire you to appreciate our Liberties and why we – urgently – must protect and defend them – now.

This is a timely and important interview that you will want everyone you care about to hear.

Hosted by Michael McKay with Special Commentator, Ms. Zoe Russell.

Play mp3 here   RFM Yuri Maltsev Final 030412

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