Dr. Mark Thornton on The Never Ending Bust and How to Fix It – Now! 01/28/12 RFM

** The Never Ending Bust and How to Fix It – Now! with Dr. Mark Thornton**

What needs to be done to fix the economy?
Why are the government’s stimulus policies doomed to fail?
Dr. Thornton is a Senior Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and has served as a faculty member of Auburn University and Columbus State University. He is the author of a number of books, including: The Economics of Prohibition and Tariffs, Blockades, and Inflation: The Economics of the Civil War.
In 2004, Mark was warning people about the housing bubble in a number of articles (see, for example, here and here).
What did he see that so many others missed?
Why does he think current government policy is only going to prolong the economic slump?
What should the government be doing instead?
In this interview, Mark explains why the Keynesians were wrong before 2008 and are dangerously wrong today. He identifies the reasons for the economic boom and why those in Washington have learned almost nothing from the crash.
More importantly, Mark carefully explains why and how the predictions and prescriptions of Austrian Economists are the correct way to proceed. He explains why we cannot borrow our way to wealth and why savings, not consumer spending, is what drives an economy.
Dr. Thornton presents a clear path out of the economic mess we are in and the practical steps needed to establish a stable, growing economic environment.
History DOES NOT have to repeat itself; we can learn from the past.
Please join us for this very important interview and please share it widely.
With Show Creator and Guest Host Luke McGrath.

[audio http://radiofreemarket.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/rfm_mark_thornton_final_012812.mp3]
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