** Now they’re coming at us down the wires ** Report and Commentary by Andy Duncan

Michael McKay Comment: This excellent Commentary by Andy Duncan references an article, unreported in the USA, about Richard O’Dwyer, age 23, a British National and Student who faces up to a decade in a U.S. prison for actions which are not even a crime in his home country, the U.K.

You can read an article and vieew a video on this story from the U.K. here. Please Read this article and Andy’s excellent commentary. Please share widely.


Commentary by Andy Duncan: I did imply recently that the best way to keep yourself safe from the U.S. government was to keep at least an ocean between yourself and it.

But as you may have read recently, a man in England, Richard O’Dwyer, is to be dragged by British government satraps to the imperial court in Washington to have judgement retributed onto him by the Emperor’s court minions.

Now I’m no believer in copyright, but I do follow all the state’s pronouncements on copyright, because they’re the ones with the guns.

But this excellent entrepreneur did nothing that even the British government quislings found illegal. What he was doing with his website was perfectly legal in the UK, and he has not been charged by the British police or any British court.

But lo, unbeknownst to him, he had broken an American law.

How dare he do such a thing. How dare he not follow the minutiae of the American legal system. Did he think that living in another country and operating in another country, where his activities were perfectly legal, would protect him? What a fool. The The Emperor’s rule is all-transcending, all-knowing and omnipotent.

Strike Him Down!

Obviously, this is all disgusting and David Cameron and the entire British government out to be ashamed of themselves, if not dragged out into Whitehall and stockaded for the public’s pleasure (I’ll fund the turnips).

That they should not be celebrating this man’s entrepreneurship and protecting him against the monster known as Soviet America Empire, is an absolute disgrace.

That these ‘extradition’ laws were only supposed to be used for ‘terrorism’ is something the BBC has of course failed to pick up, as they fail to pick up so much. That these ‘terrorist’ extradition laws are not rescended immediately, and this poor gentlemen released from the hell that is about to engulf him, tells us all we need to know about David Cameron’s ‘backbone’.

The consevative faction in Parliament ought to be ashamed of itself. Sack Cameron, immediately, you clowns, if you want to preserve anything like a sense of honour and free this innocent victim of copyright terror, who has done absolutely nothing wrong, even under the terms or your horrible British government’s own laws.

Sovereign government? You really must be joking, quislings.

It seems non of us are safe, anywhere.

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