Dr. Peter Klein on Learning Reality Economics in a Keynesian World 03/12/11 RFM

**Learning Reality Economics in a Keynesian World, with Dr. Peter Klein**

Dr. Klein ia a Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Columbia and is a Former Member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors. Peter will discuss the challenges of including Austrian Economic Principles (which we at Radio Free Market refer to as ‘Reality Economics’ because Reality is not Optional) into the Business & Entrepreneurship Classes for his Undergraduate, Graduate and Phd Candidates.

Since the Whole of Academia is deeply imbued with Keynesian-Central-Planning-Dogma, How much do Students need to UN-Learn, and are the Basic Principles presented by Austrian/ Reality Economics even getting through to them?

Also: What insights can he give us from his experience serving on the President’s Council of Economic Advisers?

Can Austrian Economics help young Entrepreneurs better prepare for the World they are about to enter?

He’ll wrap up his interview with a fascinating discussion on The Rise of the Internet.

These wide ranging themes are a first for Radio Free Market and illustrate the broad application of Austrian Economic Theory to the world in which we live and work. This is a very unique and enjoyable interview.

With Special Commentators and Co-Hosts Mr.Patrick Barron and Mr. Drew Hjelm.


[audio http://radiofreemarket.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/rfm_peter_klein_final_031211.mp3]
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One Response to Dr. Peter Klein on Learning Reality Economics in a Keynesian World 03/12/11 RFM

  1. I really enjoyed reading the article.

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