Dr. Walter Block on ** Vitally Important NEW Interview** How To Create New Jobs – For Real 01/01/11 RFM

** Vitally Important NEW Interview** How To Create New Jobs – For Real, with Dr. Walter Block

Dr Block is one of the most important and eminent scholars of our time. He is a Professor of Economics at Loyola University in New Orleans, a Senior Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and the author of the classic book ‘Defending The Undefendable’.

Are Jobs the most important thing? Walter explains why the focus on creating jobs is the wrong focus.  Instead the focus needs to be on Production, for which ‘jobs’ are needed.

What about the Minimum Wage? Does that help or hurt new entrants into the Job Market? Does this explain why we have 50+% Unemployment among Black Teenagers?

And what about Unions? We will discuss how Public Employee Unions, in particular, have created a gigantic threat to our economy TODAY that is going to affect your quality of life very soon

This interview present a Starting Point and Foundational Understanding on this all important topic of Employment and is so rich that we have decided to extend it into a second interview with Dr Block in the near future. I encourage all listeners to take notes and listen to this show more than once. Please tell all your friends and family about it.

With Special Commentator and Co-Host Mr Aaron Brown, Graduate of Mises University 2010. Hosted by Michael McKay.


[audio http://radiofreemarket.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/rfm_walter_block_final_010111.mp3]
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