Mr Eric Margolis on The Real Middle East Crisis: Who is the Threat and Who Should Be Trusted? RFM 12/18/10

**The Real Middle East Crisis: Who is the Threat and Who Should Be Trusted? ** An interview with Eric Margolis.

Mr. Margolis is the author of American Raj: America and the Muslim World and an internationally syndicated columnist.

The US Government and media constantly tells us that Iran is the Biggest Threat to Middle East peace; but is it?  Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Arabs polled name the US as the major threat to Arab safety, while eighty-eight percent (88%) name Israel.* Who is right?
What do the people in the Middle East KNOW and NOT KNOW? An astounding ninety-two percent (92%) of Afghan males polled Know Nothing of the 9/11 attacks?**

In this important interview Margolis explains why the US should be hesitant to foment war with not only Iran, but Yemen, Pakistan and other turbulent countries. He accurately sheds light into Iran’s past and the Middle East’s tempestuous present. With Special Guest Host and Show Creator, Ms Zoe Russell.


Play mp3 here RFM_Eric_Margolis_Final_121810

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