Dr. Ron Paul on “It’s Time To Be Honest” 12/04/10 RFM

** Dr. Ron Paul “It’s Time To Be Honest.” **

[Due to technical difficulties the sound quality of this broadcast is below our normal standard. However, we felt that the quality of the content was so valuable and important that we should air it, archive it and beg your patience with it. While this archive file is challenging to listen to it is well worth the effort. We hope you agree. Thank you for your patience.]

On October 29, 2010 Dr. Ron Paul spoke to over 1,000 people at the University of Iowa. This event was sponsored by the University of Iowa’s branch of the Young American’s for Liberty and Campaign for Liberty and it was promoted by the volunteer students of the Austrian Economic Club at the U of IA.

In this excellent speech Dr. Paul talked about the CIA, the Consequences of the United States Intervention in Foreign Affairs, The Federal Reserve and the Urgent Need for Sound Money.

Radio Free Market is proud to have been a sponsor for this event and is proud to broadcast this important speech. We urge our listeners to contact their local branch of Young American’s For Liberty and Campaign For Liberty to learn how you can – in your local area – Stand Up For Freedom.


[audio http://radiofreemarket.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/rfm_ron_paul_final_120410.mp3]
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