Dr Art Carden on The Nine Principles of Economics 101 10/02/10 RFM

** The Nine Principles of Economics 101 with Dr Art Carden **

Dr. Art Carden is assistant professor of economics and business at Rhodes College in Memphis, TN and an adjunct fellow with the Oakland, California–based Independent Institute. His many works can be read at www.mises.org, Forbes.com and ArtCarden.com.  Have you ever heard (or said): “I really do not understand Economics  ????

Saying this is like a Fish not understanding Water or a Bird not understanding Air. We LIVE in a world where we are – ALL of us – Natural Economists.  We LIVE it but most of us have never intellectually learned these basic principles of the World We Live In.

This show will lay out in a systematic fashion the ABC’s of Economics which we should have learned in school – but most of us did not. This is a foundational show you will want to share with all those you care about. With Special Commentator, Aaron Brown, Graduate of Mises University 2010. Hosted by Michael McKay.

[audio http://radiofreemarket.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/rfm_art_carden_final_100210.mp3]
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