Dr. Jorg Guido Hulsmann on Natural Money vs Forced Money: Legal Tender Laws 09/25/10 RFM

** Natural Money vs Forced Money: Legal Tender Laws, Competing Currencies and the Blessing of Deflation, with Dr. Jörg Guido Hülsmann **

Dr. Hulsmann is Professor of Economics at the Universite d’Angers in France, the author of many books including “The Ethics of Money Production”, and “Deflation and Liberty”. He is also on the Senior Faculty of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. His many works can be read at www.mises.org . Why do Central Bankers and government officials tell us to fear deflation? Can we have Deflation and Growth at the same time? How is that possible and when has this happened before? (You’ll find out) Today we have to plan for our money to be worth less over time. This is not how Natural Money works.Learn the ABC’s about Forced Money and learn The Practical Steps on how we can shift to using Naturally Sound Money and how we can get this idea into Our Public “Common Sense”. This is one of the All Time Most Important Shows we have on Radio Free Market. Please listen. Hosted by Michael McKay.


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4 Responses to Dr. Jorg Guido Hulsmann on Natural Money vs Forced Money: Legal Tender Laws 09/25/10 RFM

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