Dr Walter Block on Questions about Money and the Economy 05/22/10 RFM

* Interview * with Dr. Walter Block on Important Questions about Money and the Economy that are vital to Young People today.  This Show extends our February 26, 2010 show when we had young college students from the University of Iowa ask questions that are important to them. They had so many excellent questions that we could not cover them all on that show. We discuss an array of topics, including, Will Social Security Still Be There When We Retire?, and, What Is The Job Market Going To Look Like When We Graduate? and many other questions that are important to Young People today.  Young people, and those who care about the kind of country that we are handing over to them, will want to listen to this show. Hosted by Michael McKay, with Special Commentator, Ms. Zoe Russell.

Play mp3 here RFM Walter Block Final 052210

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