Reading List

Why is Money

a) The thing that most of us worry about the most, and

b) The thing that you understand and were educated in school about the least?

Why do otherwise educated people tragically say: “I really do not understand Economics”?

In ‘Secrets About Money That Put You At Risk’  Michael McKay clearly and concisely presents the basics of this vital knowledge – and to most people missing knowledge –  that we should have learned in Grade School and High School but were never taught.

This is an ABC book for Adults, as well as for Young People, on What is Money and How it Works. It will teach you The Basic Things About Money and Wealth You Must Know And Probably Do Not. This book needs to be read BEFORE you start Working, Financial Planning or Investing.


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“Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?”

By Richard Maybury

This jewel-of-a-book is the best place to start understanding Money and Economics for all ages. It provides a remarkably easy and fun understanding Money, Inflation and how Economics is based on Ethics and Law. This little book is essential for every student, businessperson and investor. It has been recommended by many investment managers and former U.S. Treasury Secretary William Simon. Paperback, 192 pages. Ages 10 thru Adult.



“What Has Government Done to Our  Money?”

By Murray Rothbard

This is Rothbard’s most famous and beautifully written monetary essay which has influenced two generations of students, economists, investors, and business professionals. He shows precisely how banks create money out of thin air and how the central bank, backed by government, and only the government, can destroy money on a mass scale, and everyone who uses money, which is , of course, everyone.


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“The Law”

By Frederic Bastiat

In The Law, written in 1850, the year of his death, Bastiat recognizes the central importance of the law and morality in a free society. He was concerned that government was using the ‘law’ to become too active a participant in the economy whilst devoting too little attention to protecting life and liberty. The essay might have been written today. It applies in every way to our own time, which is precisely why so many people credit this one essay for showing them the light of liberty.


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“Fail Safe Investing”

By Harry Browne

This is one of the best, if not the best, basic books on How to Invest. Harry Browne provides 17 rules, the first of which is, “Build Your Wealth Upon Your Career.” You make money with your job/career and you keep your money – and maybe make more – with your investments by building a Permanent Portfolio.

This is a fundamentally different approach from speculatively oriented schemes which emphasize trying to catch the elusive ‘brass ring’, or building wealth by going into massive debt. In fact, Rule #3 teaches you to “Recognize the difference between Speculating and Investing’.

The entire strategy  of Harry’s Permanent Portfolio is predicted on the assumption that there will continue to be Central Bank, aka Federal Reserve, which will continue its policy of ‘Planned Inflation’ with the result of continually debasing the American ‘Fiat’ Currency. If the Federal Reserve is ever dissolved and the USA converts to a Sound Money and Non-Fractional Reserve Banking Standard, then we might have  to re-think some of the strategies offered in this book.

Until that time, this book gets our highest recommendation as essential reading for everyone who must live under a Fiat Money system, as we currently have.



“Economics in One Lesson”

By Henry Hazlitt

The Best Book to give a Broad Basic Introduction on How Money and Markets Work. Should be required reading in High School.


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“How Capitalism Saved America”

By Thomas DiLorenzo

The stories from history that we should have all learned in Grade School.



“The Real Lincoln”

By Thomas DiLorenzo

This will shift your paradigm about Lincoln and prove to you that the Civil War was not fought to eliminate slavery at all. A must read.



“Hamilton’s Curse”

By Thomas DiLorenzo

Hamilton’s Curse: How Jefferson’s arch enemy betrayed the American Revolution and what it means for Americans today.



“The Case Against The Fed”

By Murray Rothbard

A basic primer on What the Federal Reserve is and How it damages our economy.


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“Deflation & Liberty”

By Jorg Guido Hulsmann

The  prevailing view is that deflation is a catastrophe that must be stopped. Deflation is nothing to fear, the government should permit it to happen as a path to economic recovery. “Deflation brings the entire society back in touch with the real world, because it destroys the economic basis of the social engineers, spin doctors, and brain washers.”



“Requiem for Marx”

By Yuri Maltsev

Introduction by Dr. Yuri Maltsev, former Soviet Economic Adviser who defected in 1989 provides a priceless first-hand account why Socialism cannot work. Highly Recommended.



“Inclined to Liberty”

By Llewllyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

The clearest presentation for principal liberty.



“Democracy The God That Failed”

By Hans-Hermann Hoppe

The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy, and Natural Order. This sweeping book is a systematic treatment of the historic transformation of the West from limited monarchy to unlimited democracy.



“Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds”

By Charles Mackay

An 1841 historical classic. This book teaches the stories and warning signs common to all manias and panics.



“Early Speculative bubbles & Increases in the Supply of Money”

By Douglas E. French

Historical accounts of how fractional reserve banking creates the conditions for manias and panics.



“For Good And Evil. The Impact Of Taxes On The Course Of Civilization”

By Charles Adams

This book will change – and expand – the way you understand history. People have always migrated where taxes were less and there was more opportunity for peaceful exchange and profit.



“When in the Course of Human Events”

By Charles Adams

Presents the scholarly data Why The American Civil War was fought over tax money. This book should be read after DiLorenzo’s “The Real Lincoln”.



“Human Action”

By Ludwig von Mises

The Magnum Opus that completely explains economics as the Science of Social Cooperation.


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By Ludwig von Mises

Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis is a book by Austrian School economist and libertarian thinker Ludwig von Mises.


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“Man, Economy, and State”

By Murray Rothbard

A step by step guide to understand how society can best work.


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One Response to Reading List

  1. “What Has Government Done to Our Money?” By Murray Rothbard was the first book I read that brought me down this long road of Austrian Economics.

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