Category Archives: News/ Lessons

Should the Fed Raise Interest Rates?

For some time now the Fed has been hinting that it will moderate its interventions–monetizing government debt by printing money to buy government bonds and now quantitative easing by printing money to buy corporate bonds–in order to drive down the … Continue reading

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Italy wants other European countries to pay its unemployment bills

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Italy to propose Eurozone joint unemployment insurance scheme La Repubblica reports that Italian Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan will later this month submit to his Eurozone counterparts a draft plan for a joint unemployment … Continue reading

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There is no such thing as a negative interest rate

We Austrian economists are used to having terms corrupted, misused and redefined by statists and others who love and advocate strong central control of money and power. The term “inflation” is a prime example. We Austrians refer to “inflation” as … Continue reading

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A wonderful new book about Austrian economics for the layman

Blind Robbery! How the Fed, Banks, and Government Steal Our Money by Andreas Marquart and Philipp Bagus Reviewed by Patrick Barron   The purpose of this book is nothing less than to foment a revolt against the economic and monetary … Continue reading

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The real lesson of Brexit

The Real Lesson of Brexit by Patrick Barron   Following the surprise vote by the UK to leave the European Union, most commentators are trying to understand the rationale behind the British vote. Let me be a contrarian and ask, … Continue reading

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Wrong solution to a misunderstood problem

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Business Secretary says growth must take priority over deficit as Carney warns Brexit risks beginning to ‘crystallise’ Bank of England Governor Mark Carney yesterday warned that the financial risks of Brexit “have begun to crystallise” and … Continue reading

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My letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer in defense of Brexit

Dear Sirs: Trudy Rubin claims that “Brexit would be a huge step backward”, but she never explains why. Oh, she does correlate the growth of the EU regulatory state with the collapse of the Soviet Union, but this is not cause-and-effect. The … Continue reading

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Puerto Rico needs better advisors

Re: House passes bill to restructure Puerto Rico’s $70 billion debt The US House of Representatives has passed a bill to appoint a special commission to restructure and renegotiate Puerto Rico’s unsustainable debt. The hubris of Congress that it and … Continue reading

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Trade negotiations are not necessary

From today’s Open Europe news summary: WTO chief warns of “complex and drawn-out” trade negotiations after Brexit Roberto Azevêdo, Director-General of the WTO, has warned that it could take Britain decades to disentangle its trading relations with the EU and negotiate … Continue reading

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Another reason for Europe to get rid of the euro

From today’s Open Europe news summary: European Commission considering new tools to prevent cash outflows from failing banks According to a document seen by the Financial Times, the European Commission is considering proposing a new ‘moratorium tool’ that would give national … Continue reading

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