Category Archives: News/ Lessons

The true reason for the EU’s call to beef up financial regulation

From today’s Open Europe news summary: European Commission considers beefing-up powers of pan-EU financial supervisors The Financial Times reports that the European Commission is considering plans to beef-up the powers of the three pan-EU financial supervisors, in a bid to … Continue reading

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End Banks’ Exemption from Normal Commercial Law

Mr. Burke asked me to respond to the article below about how banks engage in money creation. Like many such articles, the one by Mr. Werner seems almost designed to be confusing and obtuse. My short explanation attempts to inform … Continue reading

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A Sensible Economic and Foreign Policy: Part II

Part II:   A Sensible Foreign Policy: Mind Your Own Business and Set a Good Example   For the sake of peace and prosperity in the world, the US should take the true leadership role in proving to the world … Continue reading

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A Sensible Economic and Foreign Policy: Part I

A Sensible Economic Policy: Laissez Faire   The Misesean insight that all economics is based upon methodological individualism plus the no harm principle calls into question the raison d’ entre of the regulatory state, including legal tender laws; i.e., the … Continue reading

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Theresa May leads the singing of Kumbaya in Davos

  (Here’s my response to British Prime Minister Theresa May’s speech at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Find the full text of her speech below my comments.) Oh, boy…where to start?… If May wants to promote free … Continue reading

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A statist view of the world

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Meanwhile, The Guardian reported that Lodewijk Asscher, leader of the Dutch Labour party (PvdA), which is currently a partner in the ruling coalition government, has said “I propose to come to a new trade … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Free basic income is not a solution to unemployment

Re: Free Money for the Jobless Dear Sirs: Your article about Finland’s experiment in providing a free basic income to the unemployed fails to address the main question–what exactly is the cause of unemployment and what is the best way … Continue reading

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The Chimera of Mandating Health and Safety Standards

Federal regulation of health and safety is based upon several illogical premises. Unfortunately these premises are never discussed. Instead we are bombarded with scare stories that business intends to make its profits with no consideration to the health of the … Continue reading

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Germans favor a self-destructive policy

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Majority of Germans want Merkel to take tough stance in Brexit negotiations A poll for the Körber Foundation reveals that 58% of Germans think Chancellor Angela Merkel should ‘negotiate tough’ with the UK while … Continue reading

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Raising taxes is “tax harmonization”; lowering taxes is “Brutal Brexit”

From today’s Open Europe news summary: European Commission plans corporate tax rule harmonisation The European Commission will announce plans today to harmonise corporation tax policy across the EU. The plans would not mandate a single tax rate across Europe, but would instead … Continue reading

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