Category Archives: News/ Lessons

A “MUST SEE”– Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP, re: the EU wins the Nobel Peace Prize

This is a “MUST SEE”  interview with Nigel Farage, leader of the euroskeptic UKIP party, about the ridiculous notion that the EU deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.  The reality is the opposite, as Farage explains.  Here in a five minute interview is a … Continue reading

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The Nobel Committee’s Ridiculous Peace Prize Decision

EU Wins Nobel Peace Prize What could be more ridiculous?  The Nobel committee grants its “Peace Prize” to the European Union, as riots break out all over Europe in protest to austerity measures that are a direct result of unsustainable … Continue reading

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Germany Blamed for Greece’s Problems

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Thousands of Greeks protest against austerity as Merkel visits Athens; Bild Chief Editor: “The Greece that showed itself in the centre of Athens yesterday does not belong in the euro” During her visit to … Continue reading

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Failure Always Demands More Coercive Power

The vice president of the European Parliament, Senor Alejo Vidal-Quadras, has called for the Spanish military to put down Catalonia’s attempt to place a separation referendum on the upcoming election ballot.  Catalonia is a province of Spain, whose GNP is … Continue reading

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The Wages of Socialism: Padlocked Trash Bins

Re: Spain Recoils as Its Hungry Forage Trash Bins for a Next Meal The European Union’s labor laws are the most stringent in the world.  Its economic regulations are the most stringent in the world.  Its taxes are some of … Continue reading

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Two Short Economic Lessons by Patrick Barron

Lesson #1: Why Gold? From time immemorial gold has been freely chosen by the market as a medium of exchange, because it is the most marketable commodity. There is no need for legal tender laws. People will adopt gold (or … Continue reading

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Using Airplanes to Lobby for Primitivism

The article in the October 2012 edition of the magazine AOPA Pilot prompted me to write this letter to the organization, of which I am a long-time member: Editor, AOPA Pilot 421 Aviation Way Frederick, Maryland 21701 Sunday, September 30, … Continue reading

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From the Financial Times (London): Germany’s Golden Opportunity

Germany has an opportunity to anchor itself in gold From Godfrey Bloom MEP and Mr Patrick Barron. Sir, Martin Wolf is right (“Why exit is an option for Germany”, September 26). When the European Central Bank was formed, it was … Continue reading

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An anesthesiologist in Nevada is providing a Market Based Health Care solution. [youtube] Lessons: 1. Less regulation does not automatically equal greater risk to the public. 2. The Market will reward those that provide responsible services. 3. It is … Continue reading

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