Category Archives: News/ Lessons

Potential US-EU trade deal is managed trade not free trade

Re: US and EU trade deal in the works Improving trade between the US and the EU is a good thing, especially if it results in a reduction of red tape and tariffs.  But note that this is not “free … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: How many Fed economists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Re: Fed Governor Raises the Specter of a Bubble in Junk Bonds Dear Sirs: So the Fed thinks that it just might be possible that its unprecedented bond buying programs will cause a bubble in junk bonds.  How many Fed … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: The Fallacy of Government as the Savior of Markets

Re: Case Offers a Peek Behind the Curtain of a Security Dear Sirs: Floyd Norris makes the preposterous claim that the government’s PPIP program saved the Mortgaged Back Securities market by its $18.6 billion handout ($18.6 BILLION!!!!) to nine politically … Continue reading

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My letter to the Wall Street Journal re: Italy and Germany

Re: Germany, Italy Data Show Divergence Dear Sirs: Let’s assume that your neighbor’s finances are completely out of control.  His family runs a deficit every month, and that deficit gets bigger and bigger.  But, not to worry, he can print … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Rotten Tomatoes

Re: United States and Mexico Reach Tomato Deal, Averting a Trade War Dear Sirs: The biggest losers in this rotten tomato deal with Mexico will be U.S. consumers.  In fact, to call it a “deal” is not accurate.  Mexico agreed … Continue reading

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The Mercantilist Myth Continues

From today’s Open Europe news summary: EurActiv reports that free trade agreement talks between Canada and the EU have reached a deadlock due to EU opposition to raising Canada’s quotas of imported beef and pork and Canadian opposition to increasing … Continue reading

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My letter to National Review re: How to End Bailouts

Dear Sirs: I read with interest Mark A. Calabria’s detailed recommendations for bank reform titled “An End to Bailouts”.  Unfortunately, it is the nature of man to use a power that he possesses; therefore, eventually all the powers stripped from … Continue reading

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Why Central Banks Cannot Allow Any Competition

I found this article about the ECB being worried about competition from BitCoin to be similar to the U.S. Postal Service threatening to prosecute a Boy Scout troop for planning to make a little money by delivering Christmas cards.  Neither … Continue reading

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Another Way the EU Plunders Germany

From Open Europe online of Feb 1, 2013: Süddeutsche Zeitung reports that Germany’s Federal Social Court has ruled that a Bulgarian immigrant without work permit is entitled to social benefits. The ruling may now set a precedent for immigrants from … Continue reading

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My letter to the Wall Street Journal re: Hooray! We’ve Debased Our Currency and Lowered Our Standard of Living!

Dear Sirs: Will the madness ever stop?Will the editors and reporters at the Wall Street Journal ever critique monetary debasement honestly?The Japanese are thrilled that they have driven their yen to new lows against the dollar (Yen’s Tumble Brightens Earnings … Continue reading

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