Category Archives: News/ Lessons

A lesson from Cyprus on the danger and fallacy of fractional reserve banking

This Spiegel Online International article contains a hidden lesson in the danger and fallacy of fractional reserve banking, which is completely dependent upon the willingness of the people NOT to demand their money all at the same time. Murray N. … Continue reading

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My letter to the Financial Times, London re: Japan’s foolish mercantilist investment

In your report about Japanese scientists unlocking methane stored in ice, you state that “production costs for methane hydrate-derived gas…is nine times the US LNG benchmark…Japan typically pays about four times the rate…” This is too high a price to … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Intent on Destroying the Yen

Re: Nominee for Japan’s Central Bank Vows Aggressive Action Dear Sirs: Japan’s new prime minister, Shinzo Abe, wanted a reckless central banker and he certainly found one in Haruhiko Kuroda.  In a world of inflationists he is the current title … Continue reading

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The Tyranny of Stupidity

The adverse consequences of fiat money credit expansion keep piling up.  Sometimes it seems that almost everything wrong with society today can be traced back to unsound money.  I know that I may sound like the heroine’s father in the … Continue reading

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Which is overvalued, gold or the dollar?

A recent bulletin from a major Swiss Bank argues that the price of gold has never been higher, that its price has peaked, that the run up was driven by fear, that fear is now waning and it is time … Continue reading

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My letter to the Wall Street Journal re: If Bernanke were your doctor…

Re: Bernanke Defends Easy Money Policy Dear Sirs: Bernanke’s easy money policy is a complete failure, simply reigniting another bubble, even bigger than the last, that will burst as surely as did all previous ones.  Easy money disrupts the time … Continue reading

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My letter to the Wall Street Journal re: What determines currency exchange rates

Re: On currencies, what’s fair is hard to say Dear Sirs: The main determinant of currency exchange rates is purchasing power parity.  In a currency market without government interventions a currency will be bid up or down so that the … Continue reading

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The real bailout of Greece comes from the ECB

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Greece set for next tranche of bailout funds as another strike brings country to a standstill The European Separately, the euro working group meeting today, is expected to approve the release of the next … Continue reading

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Using language to obscure the true meaning of things

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Commission to examine plans for eurozone fiscal union as part of agreement on new economic governance rules The Council of Ministers and the European Parliament yesterday reached an agreement on the ‘two-pack’ rules for … Continue reading

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What is the meaning of “more Europe” and “European ambitions”?

From today’s Open Europe news summary: German opposition leader: Merkel entered an “unholy alliance” with Cameron over the EU budget Former French Minister: The Anglo-German axis is an extremely important diplomatic shift In a debate in the German Bundestag this … Continue reading

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