Category Archives: News/ Lessons

Another Self-serving Call for Monetary Debasement

Re: Aluminum producer says the high euro is crippling growth One should not be surprised that heads of exporting industries desire that the monetary authorities debase the currency, because these exporters will be able to sell more product.  So, you … Continue reading

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How to think about “Greece’s Great Fire Sale”

Re: Greece’s great fire sale One way to look at this phenomenon of Greece’s government selling off the country is that this is the mechanism by which Greece financed its bloated bureaucracy and welfare state.  Greek citizens are consuming their … Continue reading

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IMF reports shows Germans supporting wealthier nations

Study on Wealth Fuels Euro Crisis Debate in Germany This study by the IMF was reported in the influential German news magazine, Der Spiegel, and has created quite a stir.  It shows that both Greeks and Spaniards are wealthier than … Continue reading

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University of Iowa student Trevor Polk on the welfare-warfare state in one North Korean agenda

Being a part of Austrian circles, you hear a lot of chatter about the bloated welfare-warfare state – a conflation of the expansionary agendas of the neocons and the lefties. And that’s exactly how I’ve always distinguished it. Two separate … Continue reading

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The False Choice in Europe Between Austerity and Growth

By Patrick Barron The debate in Europe over what policies the debt ridden countries should pursue is being falsely constructed as a choice between austerity and growth.  Not only is there another, more appropriate alternative, but these two alternatives themselves … Continue reading

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Godfrey Bloom calls for prosecution of central bankers

Godfrey Bloom is a member of the European Parliament, representing Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire.  He calls for a financial crimes court, similar to the Nuremberg Trials, for central bankers and their lackeys.

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Now it’s Portugal’s turn..what the euro project has wrought

Now it’s Portugal’s turn, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in the Telegraph My comments on Evans-Prichard’s column:  The misconstruction of the European Monetary Union is responsible for this debacle.  It will not stop with Greece, Cyprus, and now Portugal, because the economic forces … Continue reading

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What the IMF would have us believe

Billions of pounds of QE unlikely to cause inflation–IMF A preview of likely future research findings by the IMF: Increasing the minimum wage does not increase unemployment. Increasing taxes does not reduce capital accumulation. More regulation of business actually reduces … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Putting the Portugal Bailout in Perspective

Re: New Trouble for Euro in Portugal Dear Sirs: According to your article, just two years ago Portugal received a 78 billion euro bailout from the IMF and its creditors.  Let’s put that previous bailout in perspective.  The 78 billion … Continue reading

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Patrick Barron: The Simplicity of Sound Money

April 1, 2013 Steve Stanek In May, banking industry consultant Patrick Barron will be addressing the European Parliament and lobbying for Germany to exit the Eurozone, reestablish the Deutsche Mark as its official currency, and back it with physical gold. … Continue reading

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