Category Archives: News/ Lessons

Carrying Wood Chips to Newcastle

Re: Europe’s Green-Fuel Search Turns to America’s Forest Just a few miles from the Yorkshire home of member of the European Parliament Godfrey Bloom sits a giant power plant that was converted at enormous cost from burning plentiful local coal … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: The Keynesian War Against Savings

Re: A Keynesian Victory, But Austerity Stands Firm, by Eduardo Porter Dear Sirs: Mr. Porter bases his Keynesian bias in favor of stimulus upon the fallacious concept that saving may be good for the individual but bad for the overall … Continue reading

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Godfrey Bloom on the euro’s failure as the path to a centralized, undemocratic Europe

In this under four minute video Godfrey Bloom, member of the European Parliament for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, explains the obvious–that the euro was doomed from the start and those who advocated it knew that it could not succeed without a centralized … Continue reading

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Video to “The Solution to the Worldwide Debt Crisis”

Below is the link and video to the full one hour presentation delivered by Godfrey Bloom, member of the European Parliament, and me on May 7th of this year.  The speech itself took only ten minutes or so to deliver. … Continue reading

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Spaniards reduced to stealing food directly from farms

Re: Crime Rises in Spanish Countryside First the Spaniards lock up their public dust bins so that tourists cannot see impoverished citizens searching or food scraps.  Now thieves are descending upon farms.  As one farmer says: “You don’t steal eight rabbits to sell them,” … Continue reading

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The Inflationary Danger of Excess Reserves

By Patrick Barron It is commonly believed that the Federal Reserve Bank controls the money supply, but this is not exactly correct.  There are two definitions of the money supply.  The narrowest measure of the money supply is M1, which … Continue reading

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Speech at the European Parliament in Brussels on May 7, 2013

The Solution to the Worldwide Debt Crisis by Godfrey Bloom, MEP, and Patrick Barron May 7, 2013 European Parliament, Brussels The eurozone debt crisis is the logical and inevitable result of a worldwide delusion that central bank credit expansion is … Continue reading

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The EU is the embodiment of “moral hazard”

From today’s Open Europe news summary: UK outvoted over €7.3bn top-up to the 2013 EU budget EU finance ministers yesterday agreed to provide an extra €7.3bn in additional funding for the 2013 annual EU budget, despite the UK, Finland and … Continue reading

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Sibileau: Governments will be forced to resort directly to basic asset confiscation

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, silence the pianos, and let the aeroplanes circle moaning overhead. Then read this article by Martin Sibileau: A View from the Trenches: A … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: The False Choice Between European Federalism and Tribalism

Re: Where’s Charlemagne when we need him? , by Istan Deak Dear Sirs: Professor Deak fails to understand that the euro project is a tool of the European elite.  Its purpose is to force a federal Europe on an unwilling … Continue reading

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