Category Archives: News/ Lessons

The First Step to a Free Detroit: Let Them Work!

I have received more personal emails regarding my earlier essay Declare Detroit a Free City than all my other essays put together. Some have been especially poignant.  For example, one lady said that she and her husband, who has been … Continue reading

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Free the Detroit 700,000!

We who advocate the free market as the sure path to peace and prosperity and decry the seeming never ending interventions of government often hear the response that the US economy has to get much, much worse before any real … Continue reading

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My letter to the Wall Street Journal re: Give Economic Freedom a Chance in Detroit

Re: Change of Heart Over Detroit I’m sure that you have heard, as have I, people saying that the US economy has to get much, much worse before any real reforms will be allowed to cure it.  Well, we have … Continue reading

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Opposition rises in Germany against wind power

Re: Eco   Blowback: Mutiny in the land of wind turbines. A thorough and   interesting report on Germany’s headlong rush to phase out nuclear power and replace it with wind power. When free market capitalism no longer governs investment, economic calculation … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: No such thing as deposit insurance

Re: Grumbles Follow Plan to Raise Bank Capital Dear Sirs: This sentence from your excellent article about the Basel III capital requirements reveals the true source of the problem: “That there are bank capital rules at all stems from the … Continue reading

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Nice thought, but that ship has sailed

From today’s Open Europe news summary: In a full page FAZ op-ed, former ECB Chief Economist Otmar Issing argues that “Eurobonds would breach fiscal sovereignty” as they would lead to “a transfer of taxpayers’ money without democratic control.” He also … Continue reading

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If you can print money, you will print money

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Troika may show flexibility as Greece admits it cannot meet reform targets Greek Administrative Reform Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis admitted yesterday that it is unlikely that Greece will be able to meet its reform targets … Continue reading

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Opening the Cage to the Excess Reserve Monster

Re: Bank of England Softens Bank Liquidity Requirements Central banks are doing their utmost to sustain the bubble economy.  Their main tool is expansion of the money supply.  But most new money is created by the banks via their lending … Continue reading

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EU bank bailout deal will fail

Re: EU bank bailout deal This deal almost ensures that depositors of funds greater than 100,000 euros will lose everything when the inevitable bank failures start cascading across Europe.  There are provisions for exceptions, so it is possible that the … Continue reading

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The non-deflationary price of gold to support world trade

I suggest that you listen to this interview with James Rickards.  Start at the 30 minute mark through the 36 minute mark.  Rickards explains in very easy to understand terms how the world could return to a gold standard.  He … Continue reading

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