Category Archives: News/ Lessons

My letter to the NY Times re: The Boston Fed as Community Organizer

Re: Boston Fed as Community Organizer Dear Sirs: This PR campaign by the Boston Fed is not authorized by its mandate.  More importantly, the Fed has no idea what businesses to support.  This is the role of the entrepreneur, who … Continue reading

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My letter to the Wall Street Journal re: Central bankers cannot “buy time” for politicians

Re: Euro Zone Must Defeat the Deflation Ogre, by Simon Nixon Dear Sirs: Simon Nixon does an admirable job of showing that “cronyism, corruption, and vested interests” are a greater threat to the Euro Zone nations that the so-called (by … Continue reading

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A Question for Ford Motor Company

Re: Ford threatens to leave Britain if Britain leaves the EU Would Steve Odell change his mind if, at the same time that Britain left the EU, it adopted unilateral free trade?  I don’t see why he would not (change … Continue reading

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Two Economic Lessons

From today’s Open Europe news summary: In a new report released today Business for Britain calls for UK firms which do not export to the EU to be exempt from EU regulation as part of a renegotiation over the UK’s … Continue reading

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The problem with wind and solar as power sources

Re: Renewable energy fiasco in Germany Here are the basics of electricity generation–it must provide either base power or on-demand power, and it cannot be stored.  Base power today is provided mostly by nuclear and coal plants and some hydroelectric.  … Continue reading

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My letter to National Review Magazine re: Misunderstanding Savings

Re: Raising Savings, by Allison Schrager Dear Sirs: Although Ms. Schrager’s heart is in the right place and she says many good things about the need for a higher level of savings, she makes apparent in many places that she … Continue reading

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A Sobering Calculation on the Gold / Dollar Price Ratio

Re: Jim Rickards predicts the price of gold In this four minute interview Jim Rickards predicts that the price of gold will go to “$7,000 or $9,000 or even higher”.  (The price becomes infinite if all confidence is lost in … Continue reading

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My letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer re: Mark Zandi ignores reality

Re: Good Times Ahead, by Mark Zandi Dear Sirs: According to Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Analytics, the only possible bump in the inevitable road to economic recovery in 2014 is another threatened government shutdown.  Mr. Zandi, like all … Continue reading

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Collapse of the Irish Housing Boom

Re: Irish Try to Eradicate Ghosts of a Housing Crash Lord Keynes famously said that paying people to dig holes and fill them back up was necessary for recovery.  His disciple Paul Krugman wants Martians to attack earth so that … Continue reading

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A Plan to Arrive at 100% Reserves on Bank Demand Deposits

Introduction This paper deals with the steps that are required to cover bank demand deposits 100% by reserves.  We will deal with ending the ability of the banking system to pyramid reserves into new money, created out of thin air, … Continue reading

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