Category Archives: News/ Lessons

Creating Unemployment and Poverty

From today’s Open Europe news summary: In an interview with Die Welt, Jean-Claude Juncker, the EPP’s candidate for European Commission President, argues, “As Europeans we have been active in many areas except for social policy where we have taken a … Continue reading

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Anthropomorphizing the Banking System

Re: European Officials Reach Deal on Failed-Bank System The European Union’s attempt to create one bank regulator with the power to shut down and bailout problem banks will fail, because it does not address the cause of generalized bank failures.  … Continue reading

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Politicians Prevent Cooperative, International Exchange

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Speaking in the Bundestag this morning, Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that due to the complexity of the negotiations over the EU-US free trade agreement, the risk of failure had to be taken seriously, although … Continue reading

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A Typical Day in Europe: Either desiring a handout or more autonomy

(My comments in italics below the news items.) From today’s Open Europe news summary: The Greek government reached a deal with the EU/IMF/ECB Troika yesterday, paving the way for the next disbursement of €10bn in bailout funds, which Greece hopes … Continue reading

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More Insanity from the European Union

Fascinating excerpts from the March 14, 2014 Open Europe news summary in italics and my comments below each: All mobile phones and some other electronic appliances on the European market will have to come with a standard charger by 2017 … Continue reading

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Our Unrepentant Fed

Re: Fed nominee Fischer says easing still needed amid unemployment The above Bloomberg article on Stanley Fischer as the Fed’s nominee for its number two person bodes ill for America and the world.  Fischer has spent his entire adult life … Continue reading

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Three Example of EU Madness

From the Open Europe news summary of March 10, 2014: Eight leaders of the European People’s Party (EPP), including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, have backed a call for students to be given a “European Union education” to tackle growing euroscepticism … Continue reading

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Multiple examples of what is wrong with the EU

From today’s Open Europe news summary: 1. Brussels proposes revamped €11bn aid package for Ukraine   2. The European Commission yesterday released its in-depth review into macroeconomic imbalances, in which it called for “policy action” on the German current account … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: The Lawless Fed

Re: Fed’s Aid in 2008 Crisis Stretched Worldwide Dear Sirs: Your article about the Fed’s actions in 2008 to lend $580 billion in so-called “swap lines” to central banks internationally sounds a note of triumphalism that is completely unwarranted.  The … Continue reading

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My letter to National Review Magazine re: Stop Applauding Ben Bernanke

Dear Sirs: In your February 24th edition under “The Week” recap of significant news events you make the astounding statement that Ben Bernanke should be applauded for his massive money printing, interest rate pegging, socialist monetary planning maneuvers during and after … Continue reading

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