Category Archives: News/ Lessons

More Intimations by the European Central Bank of Currency Confiscation

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Draghi suggests that the ECB could ease policy further to tackle strong euro Speaking at the spring meetings of the IMF and World Bank over the weekend, ECB President Mario Draghi said that the … Continue reading

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The Source of Economic Progress–the Primacy of the Individual

Members of an Austrian school of economics forum to which I belong have been discussing the source of economic progress. It began with the usual elements of capital, technological development, and managerial expertise before getting more philosophical when a member … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Ignoring the elephant in the room

Re: Cities Advance Their Fight Against Rising Inequality Dear Sirs: The latest assault on economic science is led by the usual suspects–politicians, labor unions, intellectuals, and not-for-profit advocacy groups–who clamor for raising Seattle’s minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour. … Continue reading

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The Greatest Economic Myth in the World Today

From today’s Open Europe news summary: New French PM calls for greater ECB action and criticises strong euro French Prime Minister Manuel Valls yesterday won a vote of confidence in the lower house of the French parliament by 306 to … Continue reading

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No criticism of the Fed allowed

Re: Jeremy Stein to Resign From Fed Board to Return to Harvard Now, no one would ever call Harvard professor Jeremy Stein an Austrian school economist, so it is illuminating how even his modest questioning of Quantitative Easy is not … Continue reading

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Re: E.U. Lawmakers Approve Tough ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules Newspeak, the official language of George Orwell’s totalitarian nightmare regime in his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, has come to Europe. Billed as a law to protect the consumer from high prices and ensure … Continue reading

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The wages of a public control of the economy

From today’s Open Europe news summary: German Energy Minister warns that there is “no reasonable alternative” to Russian gas German Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel, yesterday warned that there is “no reasonable alternative” to Russian gas imports, … Continue reading

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What can we expect from new Fed Chairman Janet Yellen?

No change. Oh, you want more? Well, OK, I suppose I can give more of an explanation than that. Groucho Marx used to tell a joke on himself that “I wouldn’t want to belong to any club that would admit … Continue reading

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Kevin Williamson of National Review channels Jean Baptiste Say

Dear Sirs: In his recent essay, “To Work Is to Live”, Kevin D. Williamson gave about as nifty an explanation of Say’s Law as you will find anywhere. We buy goods with other goods, and money is merely the indirect … Continue reading

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The EU Cannot Be Reformed, Because It Does Not Honor the Rule of Law

From today’s Open Europe news summary: Swidlicki: Clegg/Farage debate risks establishing false ‘all-or-nothing’ choice and ignoring public appetite for EU reform Writing on Liberal Democrat Voice ahead of the first EU debate between Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage tonight, Open … Continue reading

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