Category Archives: News/ Lessons

The Path to the Perfect Reserve Currency

Much has been written lately, including by me, about the coming rejection of the dollar as the primary reserve currency of the world’s most important central banks. My prediction is based upon two things: one, that the Federal Reserve is … Continue reading

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Planning begins for a euro-free Europe

From today’s Open Europe news summary: In an interview with RTL, Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem admitted that the Dutch government looked at what would happen if plans to save the euro “didn’t succeed”. His predecessor Jan Kees de Jager added separately … Continue reading

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Tax Avoidance is NOT Tax Evasion

From today’s Open Europe news summary: The Telegraph reports that David Cameron is expected to use the G20 gathering of world leaders this weekend to press for greater sharing of tax information to crackdown on avoidance. Open Europe’s Raoul Ruparel is quoted … Continue reading

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Europe 25 years after the fall of the iron curtain

Play video 01:38:28 Added on 11/12/14 178 views Many thanks to my friend Dr. Philip Bagus for forwarding the link to me. In addition to the address by former Czech president Vaclav Klaus, there were excellent presentations by Dr. Bagus … Continue reading

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Maastricht Treaty? We don’t need no stinkin’ Maastricht Treaty!

From today’s Open Europe news summary: ECB Executive Board member Yves Mersch said yesterday that the ECB will begin purchasing Asset Backed Securities (ABS) next week. He added that, “should the situation deteriorate further”, purchases of sovereign debt remain an … Continue reading

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The EU’s anti-competitive tax policy

From today’s Open Europe new summary: Following the release of thousands of secret documents detailing how Luxembourg helped companies avoid paying taxes, an FT leader argues, “For the sake of his own credibility – and that of the commission – [Jean-Claude Juncker] … Continue reading

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My interview on re: The End of the US Dollar Imperium, Part 2

Patrick Barron: The End of the US Dollar Imperium, Part 2 Jeff Deist and Patrick Barron continue their discussion on monetary imperialism. They delve deeper into US dollar supremacy, and how it might end with a whimper instead of a … Continue reading

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My latest interview on Power Trading Radio re: European economic developments that may prove positive in the long run

Click below to hear my latest interview on Power Trading Radio. I discuss in more detail the various movements in Europe that I view as economically positive in the long run. The interview last approximately one half hour with two … Continue reading

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Patrick Barron interview with Jeff Deist re: The End of the US Dollar Imperium-Part 1

Play video Jeff Deist and Patrick Barron address the issue of monetary imperialism. How does the US use the dollar as a weapon of economic and cultural power? How long can it last? What might the unprecedented… 00:17:01 Added on … Continue reading

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Europe’s banks are going bust, and accounting tricks will not save them

Europe’s Gong Show at Work: Back Taxes and Busted Banks The EU is doing everything it can to paper over the fact that its policies have turned the banks into what David Stockman likes to call “Roach Hotels”, where bad … Continue reading

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