Category Archives: News/ Lessons

US inflation up 47.1% and real GDP down 21.4% since 2011!

Alasdair Macleod compares the Chapwood Index to the official CPI Government has been lying to everyone, including itself, about the rate of inflation. The government claims that cumulative inflation since 2011 is 7.2%; whereas, the Chapwood Index claims that real … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Why laid off Americans can’t find jobs

Re: The Perils of Globalization Dear Sirs: I believe that Binyamin Appelbaum may have unwittingly answered his own question about why American workers who lose their jobs–as illustrated by the former Maytag employees in Galesburg, Illinois–have such a difficult time … Continue reading

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Greeks get Mercedes and BMW’s; Germans get depreciating euros

Re: Where Greeks Are Stashing Their Cash Ludwig von Mises characterized the third and final stage of a currency’s collapse, where people are desperate to exchange their currency for almost anything of real value, as a “crack up boom”. Notice … Continue reading

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The problem isn’t overproduction; it’s malinvestment

Mr. Max Ehrendfreund, writing in the Washington Post’s Wonkblog, believes that he has discovered something new: that the world is producing too much and doesn’t know what to do with it. His solution, of course, is to confiscate the overproduced … Continue reading

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Give the free market a chance!

Re: US jobs relapse raises fresh doubts on Fed tightening This link to a recent Telegraph (of London) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (AEP) report is typical of the trap that Keynesians have built for themselves. AEP well articulates their dilemma, stating: “…the … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Rattle those bones, blow that smoke, and bleed the patient until he recovers!

Re: Is 2% Inflation enough? Dear Sirs: As you note, the Fed has held “its benchmark rate near zero…since December 2008”, but without the result promised by econometric models. Therefore, those Keynesian economists you quote want even more money printing. … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Statism vs. Liberty

Re: In Japan, Bid to Stifle Criticism Is Working Dear Sir: In your chilling report of the Abe government’s efforts to limit Japan’s free press, you use the terms “right-leaning” and “conservative” to describe his government. May I suggest that … Continue reading

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My letter to the WSJ re: Austrians understand why there is a commodity glut

Re: Glut of Capital and Labor Challenge Policy Makers Dear Sirs: The worldwide commodity glut is not a surprise to Austrian school economists. It is a wonderful example of the adverse consequences of monetary repression to drive the interest rate … Continue reading

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Critiquing a Monetary Reform for Iceland

The Prime Minister of Iceland recently commissioned a report by Frosti Sigurjonsson (henceforth referred to as “Mr. S”) to recommend a better money and banking system for Iceland. (I’m sorry, but isn’t Frosti a great first name for someone from … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: Please, make me unemployed!

Re: In test for unions and politicians, a nationwide protest on pay Dear Sirs: I find it incredible that anyone, especially the vaunted New York Times, would treat with respect the fallacious concept that pay can be set arbitrarily–and enforced … Continue reading

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