Category Archives: News/ Lessons

My letter to the WSJ re: Two kinds of refugees, people and money

Underground banks in China Dear Sirs: Money will flee areas where it is repressed just as people will flee areas where they are repressed. Capital controls can be seen as the monetary analogy of the Berlin Wall. Capital controls are indications … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: My advice to the ECB and the Fed

Re: Skepticism Prevails on Preventing Crisis Dear Sirs: Mr. Binyamin Appelbaum’s report of the Fed’s conference in Boston over the weekend perfectly illustrates our central bankers’ incompetence. They wring their hands over what they do not know and beg the … Continue reading

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Strict defense of private property solves the economic fact of resource scarcity

Scarcity of resources exists in many forms and is THE problem in economics. If resources were not scarce, there would be no need to economize. The existence of scarcity is true of all resources (time, human energy, natural resources, etc.) … Continue reading

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Three questions for Andrew Haldane, chief economist at the Bank of England

Re: From ZIRP TO NIRP 1. What exactly is wrong with price deflation? 2. In a world of increasing productivity, are not lower prices inevitable? 3. Are not lower prices beneficial, in that all society enjoys an increasing standard of … Continue reading

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My letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer Re: the crude oil export ban

Re: Debate swirls over lifting crude-oil export ban Dear Sirs: The answer to your headline question on the front of Sunday’s business section is self-evident. The crude oil export ban cannot be justified on any economic or moral basis. It … Continue reading

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My letter to the NY Times re: New icebreakers to the arctic for what purpose?

Re: Obama Calls for More Coast Guard Icebreakers to Gain Foothold in Arctic Dear Sirs: President Obama’s call for Congress to fund new icebreakers for the Arctic is troubling. Whereas, most nations of the world see the receding icecap as … Continue reading

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The implications of a reduction of Chinese holdings of US government debt

Dear Readers, Below is my response to a reader of my blog, who asked about the implications of China reducing its holdings of US treasury debt. Pat Barron Dear Lawrence, I think that in the simplest terms, China is exiting … Continue reading

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My letter to the Financial Times, London re: The FT sides with counterfeiters and confiscators

Re: The case for retiring another barbarous relic Dear Sirs: I was appalled at your supposed “case” for eliminating cash, which you yourselves describe as the peoples’ “go-to safe asset”. And what IS your case? One, “cash…limits the central banks’ … Continue reading

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My letter to The Times, London re: Legal Tender Laws Protect Unsound Money

Dear Sirs: I will not take the time required to refute point-by-point Mr. Ed Conway’s latest attack upon a gold-backed currency. It is obvious that he is completely ignorant of monetary theory and history. Rather, I will ask Mr. Conway … Continue reading

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Oh, the horror of cheaper Chinese goods!

Re: Cheaper Chinese Currency Has Global Impact China’s money dictators have decided to put all Chinese exports on sale, allowing people in foreign countries to buy more Chinese goods for the same amount of local currency or invest in any … Continue reading

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