Category Archives: Liberty

Dr Gary Galles on The Inclination to Love Liberty 04/17/10 RFM

The Inclination to Love Liberty, a book review and interview with Dr. Gary Galles of Pepperdine University.  We discussed the excellent book “Inclined To Liberty” by Mr. Louis Carabini. There are those who are Inclined to Liberty and those who … Continue reading

Posted in All Archived Shows, Book Reviews, Liberty | Leave a comment

Lew Rockwell on Government Intervention and Cures to Unemployment 04/10/10 RFM

** Lew Rockwell ** – An Exclusive Interview and Wide Ranging Conversation.  Lew is the Founder and Chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute ( and Editor of – two websites having among the highest Internet Traffic in the … Continue reading

Posted in All Archived Shows, Austrian Economics, Liberty | Leave a comment

Dr Yuri Maltsev on Horrors of Communism and Socialism 10/10/09

* Exclusive New Interview * A unique in-person conversation with Dr. Yuri Maltsev about the Horrors of Communism and Socialism that most Westerners probably do not know about. Dr. Yuri Maltsev is an economist and author of ‘Requiem for Marx‘,who … Continue reading

Posted in All Archived Shows, Liberty, Socialism | Leave a comment