From today’s Open Europe news summary:
Merkel’s CDU/CSU and SPD seal Grand Coalition agreement Following two months of negotiations, the CDU/CSU and SPD signed off on a coalition agreement early this morning. The Europe chapter of the agreement has not changed from the draft agreement of which Open Europe was the first to provide an English translation on its blog and in yesterday’s press summary.
European Parliament President Martin Schulz, part of the SPD’s negotiating team, confirmed that the parties had agreed that the ESM bailout fund could be used to directly recapitalise struggling eurozone banks if other measures such as bail-ins and state guarantees are not sufficient. The deal also includes introducing a national statutory minimum wage of €8.50 per hour from 2015 – a major victory for the SPD. The coalition has also committed to implementing the controversial EU Data Retention Directive, which had been blocked by the FDP.
Open Europe’s Nina Schick appeared on CNBC this morning discussing the coalition agreement. Open Europe’s blog translating the draft German coalition agreement has been cited by Gazeta Wyborcza, Forex Live and Central Banking. Open Europe blog Handelsblatt EUobserver El País El Mundo Le Monde FAZ FAZ 2 Süddeutsche Süddeutsche 2 Süddeutsche 3 Süddeutsche: Denkler FT WSJ Euractiv Telegraph Central Banking Gazeta Wyborcza Forex Live

Germany deserves better. Europe deserves better. And the world deserves better. Patrick Barron